How Coaching Works at edge2
This is how we are a little different
Before you get to where you want to be in the future you have to know where you are in the now. Self awareness and self assessment unfolds throughout the coaching.
We kick start this process with world class Assessment Systems such as Hogan Performance Instruments, Trait Emotional Intelligence System, The Extraordinary Leader and DiSC Profiling system.
Typically, sessions run from 1-3 hours, repeat at weekly to monthly intervals over a period of 3 to 12 months.
Each session broadly follows the Action, Reflection, Feedforward more Action process.
You have to have the right tools for the right job. Often coaching takes longer (and costs more) than it should because people leave coaching sessions with great plans, but without the tools to execute them. Imagine having the clarity and conviction of knowing you must plant a garden but not having the tools you need to get the job done.
Edge2 differentiates itself from other coaching methodologies by give you world class tools to execute on the ideas and actions you choose to pursue.
Overcome roadblocks and accomplish goals.
Overcome fears, be in control, make it happen.
Breathe, relax, and become content with your world.
Figure out your values and align your life to them. Know yourself and the like you want to be happy
More knowledge and understanding of yourself. More control of who you are, what you do, how you do it and the results you get.
You get to become the you that you want to be. Little words, that mean a whole lot.

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