So how do we work?
Here is where we are a little different.
Of course the kick off point is understanding the desired business outcomes and specific results. From there we identify whether we are focusing on Leadership, Collaboration or Sales (or a combination of these three practice areas).
Then we design the ‘Development Solution’ and here is where it gets interesting. We deploy what we call a ‘mindset2skillset applied development’ approach.
01. Mindset
Our approach to developing capabilities focuses first on building strong mindsets. This is about building the mental toughness that will sustain effort, commitment and progress in the face of challenge, stress and adversity.
Businesses where people and teams have strong mindsets keep performing at their best when others falter. Under pressure people will stay motivated, keep trying, keep innovating, keep problem solving, keep selling, keep doing their best work. Meanwhile, competitors will not. Your competitive edge first takes shape here. And, this form of competitive advantage is incredibly difficult for others to replicate.
In this fast paced highly competitive world, success depends on people giving 100% commitment, effort and mental capability. It is all about having the best attitude. Yet most people have never been trained in how to have a consistently strong mindset.
02. Skillset
Of course people still need outstanding skills and systems to perform their tasks exceptionally well.
So having addressed the mindset capabilities, we turn to building the required skillsets for the specific need.
Through developing a combination of planning and execution capabilities edge2 equips people to act and perform to their fullest potential.
This mindset2skillset approach to building extraordinary performers in your business offers three key benefits:
Learning with a stronger mindset… A valuable consequence of first addressing mindset and motivation is that people become more willing to learn. They are more open to ideas and better able to handle their fears and concerns. In a training room this means participants are more motivated to learn. They absorb more, retain more and use more of what they learn.
Get the mindset right and people will accept and adopt a lot more of what you want them to.
Mastery in practice… People with stronger mindsets are more resilient and determined as they apply the skills and processes they have learned, in their workplace. They are less likely to give up and more likely to succeed at putting the
skills the business has deemed critical to its future success into practice. This drives, better performance and better results.
Not only are people more likely to do what you have asked and use what they have learned, they are more likely to stick at it until they have mastered their new skills. Their stronger mindset makes them more determined and more resilient to failure. The outcome…they succeed, when others don’t.
Motivated, agile and resilient… In an environment where business is fast-paced, ever changing and hard fought, success depends on how employees understand and perceive themselves, how their minds work and how well they manage their attitude and responses to challenges and the unforeseen. We enable people to remain motivated, stay focused and push through those obstacles to reach success for themselves and their business.
Engagement Methodology
This diagram depicts our end to end process for designing powerful engagements and delivering outstanding results.

Engagement Tools
Wherever useful, edge2 has access to a suite of tools to support the engagement design and engagement execution including...

Hogan Leadership Instruments

Extraordinary Leader


MiND neurological profiling

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